10 low maintenance plants that can be grown in your hostel room

Published on October 11 , 2021




Sahil Sharma

We all love having plants in our homes, decorating our balconies, terraces and rooms and also providing us fresh oxygen.  Nature's own air purifiers.

However, what about when we stay in hostels?  Can we grow plants inside a small shady room with often, not enough sunlight and forgetting to water it daily?

Here are 10 plants that can be grown inside hostel rooms, with minimal sunlight and less water, but will add a dash of green into some boring hostel rooms.

Image Courtesy: gardeningknowhow.com

1. Pothos or money plant 

Pothos is an evergreen plant with thick, waxy, green, heart-shaped leaves with splashes of yellow. As a houseplant, it is commonly grown as a hanging plant.

It can also be grown in used plastic bottles, filled with water and placed at any corner of the room.

Image Courtesy: gardeningknowhow.com

2. Snake Plant (Sansevieria trifasciata)

Snake plants, also known as Sansevieria, are one of the easiest houseplants to take care of.

This succulent plant is very forgiving and perfect for beginners.

Snake plants prefer bright, indirect light and can even tolerate some direct sunlight. However, they also grow well (albeit more slowly) in shady corners and other low-light areas of the room.

Image courtesy: thespruce.com

3. Lucky bamboo

Though the plant looks like bamboo and grows as fast as bamboo, it's not related to it at all, and it's actually more of a succulent.

Lucky bamboo has a well-earned reputation as being nearly indestructible.

Lucky bamboo prefers bright, filtered sunlight. However, avoid direct sunlight as it will scorch the leaves. It grows well in the dark corners too. Ideal for places with less or no sunlight.

It's a good idea to water your lucky bamboo only with bottled or distilled water, or tap water that has been left out for 24 hours to allow the chlorine to evaporate. Healthy lucky bamboo roots are red, so don't be alarmed if you can see red roots floating in a glass vase.

Image Courtesy: thespruce.com

4. ZZ plant

ZZ plant, with its wide, attractive, dark green leaves, boasts many favorable traits for offices and homes. ZZ plant tolerates neglect, is drought tolerant, and accepts low-light conditions without throwing a fit.

Its waxy, smooth leaves reflect sunlight and brighten rooms.

ZZ plant also is an air purifier and in a NASA study, researchers found it is specifically adept at removing copious amounts of toxins such as xylene, toluene, and benzene from the air.

Situate your ZZ in low to bright indirect light, and water when fully dry. Typically you can even forget a watering…or three…and it will still thrive. 

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Image Courtesy: almanac.com

5. Aloe vera

The aloe vera plant is an easy, attractive succulent that makes for a great indoor companion.

Place in bright, indirect sunlight or artificial light. A western or southern window is ideal. Aloe that are kept in low light often grow leggy.

Water aloe vera plants deeply, but infrequently. In other words, the soil should feel moist after watering, but should be allowed to dry out to some extent before you water again. If the soil stays overly wet, the plant’s roots can rot.

Image Courtesy: gardeningknowhow.com

6. Jade Plant (Crassula ovata)

Jade plant care is easy and simple. Many people enjoy growing jade plants in their homes and offices, and they are considered to be symbols of good luck.

One of the most important things when you care for jade plants is to make sure that they are watered properly. Never let a jade plant dry out completely. Also, do not water a jade plant too often, as this can cause root rot. Don’t water your jade plant on a schedule. Rather, water your jade plant when the top of soil is just dry to the touch.

They need full sun in order to grow properly. If they do not have full sun, they may become stunted and leggy.

Image Courtesy: thespruce.com

7. Cast Iron Plant (Aspidistra elatior)

The cast-iron plant (Aspidistra elatior) has earned its reputation as a nearly indestructible houseplant.

It has arching, lance-shaped, deep green, glossy leaves that can reach around two feet long and four inches wide.

Cast-iron plants require very simple maintenance: watering when the soil dries out and fertilizing for part of the year. 

Keep cast-iron plants away from direct sunlight, which can bleach and burn the leaves.

Image Courtesy: smartgardenguide.com

8. Flamingo Flower (Anthurium)

With glossy green leaves and rich red blooms, Anthurium is one of the most stunning plants to grow indoors.

Anthuriums should be planted in well-draining, acidic soil, and kept in humid conditions. Water infrequently but thoroughly once the top inch of soil is dry, and fertilize every other month through the growing season.

Image Courtesy: thespruce.com

9. Cactus

For plant lovers, a cactus is perfect as you only need to water moderately – in fact, it's actually better to underwater than it is to overwater.

A cactus plant likes a light, airy and warm spot – but not too hot – and can cope well in direct sunlight.

Image courtesy: gardeningknowhow.com

10. Ferns

Also made famous by Zach Galifianakis in the title of his viral internet show 'Between two ferns', this indoor plant is a global hit.

Most ferns prefer indirect light, which means you should avoid placing them where sunlight will hit them—their leaves can get scorched if you do, resulting in a dry, crispy plant. This means that they can grow in your hostel room with indirect sunlight. Mist your ferns as often as practical, preferably in the morning. Watering as often as two days a week is enough to grow this beautiful ornamental plant and hang it in your hostel room. 

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